
Saturday, October 16, 2010

Ways to Customize Your Golf Cart

If you have ever seen golf carts customized, you are aware of just how unique and truly "custom" these carts can sport. If you own a cart, you have the ability to customize it to your specifications and truly make it unique. You should be aware that many of the ways in which to customize can be accomplished on your own; you can have this made especially to your specifications.

Interestingly, most carts, a three or four wheel, gas or electric all look pretty much the same. If you engage in golfing often, you probably are aware of this fact. Other than colors of the cart, most look very similar and easy to spot as a golf cart. Since everyone is unique, customized carts began making waves and is now available in just about any state.

There are of course ways in which you can customize your own, but if you rent the cart, obviously, you cannot make permanent changes to its appearance. However, those that own their own golf cart, can customize it anyway they please. Ways to customize it yourself include painting it a unique color or taking it to a professional where they can make designs within the paint. Think of it like putting a tattoo in it.

Other customizations include adding a sound system, so you have music to listen to whenever you are in the cart. You can also make is entirely closed in, or at least have the ability to close in just in case you run into an expectant shower in the middle of the golf course. Additionally, you can change the steering wheel to anything you wish and choose something that is uniquely you.

If you have the expertise, you can change the seats entirely, or at least add seat covers for a remarkably classy look. The lights on the golf cart can also be customized, such as the break lights and the headlights. All of these parts are easily found at a golf store where they sell golf accessories. You can replace anything on it that is removable, obviously, you cannot replace the body, but you can spruce up the cart so that it makes a statement about you.

On the other hand, if you do not wish to do the customizing on your own, you can have it thoroughly customized for you. Of course, this will cost much more than doing it yourself, but will save you time. Some companies make it fully customized so that you can purchase it ready to drive off the lot.

Lastly, whichever way you plan to customize your golf cart, you have a lot of options and many ways in which to let everyone know how individualized you are by what you drive on the golf course.


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